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Please contact on for advertising. The real domain investor is held a virtual prisoner in goa, her correspondence ROBBED by raw/cbi employees without a court order in a clear case of human rights abuses,

The goa government claims that it wishes to attract investors to goa, yet it refuses to listen to the complaints of those who have already invested their money in goa, like the domain investor and improve business conditions. It is this attitude of the goan government, the refusal to question its corrupt liar fraud officials which is responsible for the worsening business conditions in goa and goa has slipped 5 places from the 19th position to the 24th position in ease of doing business in India, because of the endless banking, real estate, computer work fraud, crimes on business owners, killing of their plants without a legally valid reason.

In almost all other indian states, the intelligence and security agencies will acknowledge the real business owner who is starting a business, spending time and money to run the business. Only in goa, especially panaji, government fraud levels are so high, that almost every month, fake rumors are spread about business ownership, with various lazy greedy fraud DATA ROBBER raw/cbi employees who do no computer work at all, falsely claiming to own the business, to get a monthly raw/cbi salary. The powerful intelligence and security agencies led by nayak,caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar are pathological liars, so devoid of honesty that they refuse to acknowledge their fraud and end it, duping people, companies and countries with their complete lies since 2012.

Just like the employees of the indian tech companies like $140 million data theft TCS, the indian paypal account holders are paid for the computer work which they do for 8-10 hours daily. The raw/cbi employees like robber riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, panaji sindhi scammer school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil and other frauds like various greedy liar housewives, their children are not doing any kind of computer work at all, yet the goan officials and leaders are shameless liars, that they continue with their computer work, business ownership fraud for the last ten years without being questioned .

The greedy shameless housewives and their lazy fraud children, other frauds in goa can easily open their own paypal account, do computer work for clients spending their TIME, instead they rob data like tcs and make fake claims about computer work, to get great powers, while criminally defaming the person actually doing the work in the worst manner. Indicating the lack of business ethics, honesty in goa, the government, officials and society does not think that DATA ROBBERY, MAKING FAKE CLAIMS is a crime, (like in the united states where TCS got a $140 million fine) they think robbing data so is their birthright.

Goa's SHAMELESS FRAUD liar security agency employees caro, nayak are aware that their LAZY GREEDY LIAR wife/daughter ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, greedy animal in human form, is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING for her family, does no computer work at all,does not invest money in domains at all. Yet since the goan government, society does not question SHAMELESS FRAUD officials like caro, nayak why they are MAKING FAKE CLAIMS about GREEDY ROBBER riddhi who does not pay Rs 4-5 lakh annually for domain renewals since 2012, yet gets a monthly cbi salary for making FAKE CLAIMS that she owns the domains, of a private citizen, who she, her FRAUD LIAR husband, father criminally defames.

After the indian internet sector has openly finalized its policy of exploiting, CHEATING, HUMILIATING hardworking single women domain investors stealing their identity to enjoy FREE SEX with google, tata supplied call girls like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and getting BRIBES from school dropouts like sindhi scammer naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, young women are not interested in a career in the internet sector, since they will be wasting their life, so that google, tata do not have to pay call girls for SEX, bribes to officials like nayak, caro,from their million dollar profits.

So though no one in goa is doing any computer work and is not investing money in domains, the goa government refuses to update its records, and wastes taxpayer money on frauds faking online income, domain investment insisting on using outdated, invalid records. In the internet and tech sector, technology changes rapidly, and companies update their skills, services regularly, yet the indian and goa government refuses to update its records for the last 5 years. These fraud liar raw/cbi employees especially robber riddhi nayak caro, are also not ending their fraud of faking domain ownership, and goan society does not question greedy shameless panaji robber riddhi on her FINANCIAL FRAUD , ROBBERY for the last 8 years. The goa government is openly encouraging crime against investors, business owners with its computer work fraud, with officials like mandrekar, nayak,caro, pritesh chodankar criminally defaming single women professionals who have earned their money legally, doing a job or other work unlike their lazy fraud relatives, friends who are least interested in doing any computer work. So in addition to data theft, business owners, like the domain investor, are also wasting their time and money exposing the government banking fraud,computer work fraud, lies, and have less time to focus on their business.

Kindly note that allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian and state governments especially in goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka, haryana have DUPED domain registrars, registries and ICANN for the last 10 years that call girl, robber, cheater raw/cbi employees like goan frauds riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan, bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, gujju frauds asmita patel, naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge who have not paid any money for domains, own this and other domains in an ONLINE FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD, to get them all raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner, her correspondence robbed, subjected to human rights abuses, to isolate her completely without a legally valid reason and cause great financial losses. The real domain investor is a private citizen who raw/cbi/ntro employees hate,criminally defame, commit human rights abuses without a legally valid reason for the last 10 years forcing the real domain investor to post this explicit disclaimer to prevent further losses and alert ICANN
